Day 3 was a very sad day for me. I fell so in love with the city, I did not want to leave. We made the most out of each day, and that Tuesday was no expectation. We walked up and down Park Ave waiting for Betsey Johnson to open (I wanted to try on the ballet brogues to see how they fit, they didn't have them in stock :|.) Then we went to my new favorite place on Earth, The Met. I seriously fell in love with it. There was so much to do and look it, we barely covered a thing. My absolute favorite was the Armor Room (which I know seems weird, even to me, but it was beautiful.) After we went for a nice lunch and then checked out the Guggenheim. The building was beautiful, but the art work left a lot to be desired. I also forgot to mention we went to the MOMA too the second day, I only liked the top floor, modern art is not my thing. After we explored for a while, we took our first subway ride and went and saw The Cave of Dreams 3D which was cool. After we got more cupcakes and called it a night.

Just a full house, chilling inside The Met
The Gugg ceiling
Ah, this is lovely!!